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Pretrial - Release

  • document preview of A Brief Overview of Pretrial Release Laws

    A Brief Overview of Pretrial Release Laws

    "State legislatures consider and enact laws that address all aspects of pretrial policy, including release eligibility, conditions of release, bail, commercial bail bonding and pretrial diversion. These legislative policies have an important role in providing fair, efficient and safe pretrial practices carried out by law enforcement and the courts" (p. 1). 

    Brief descriptions are provided for the following legislative: citation in lieu of arrest; pretrial release eligibility; guidance for setting release conditions; pretrial release conditions; pretrial detention; bail bond agent...

  • document preview of Trends in Pretrial Release: State Legislation

    Trends in Pretrial Release: State Legislation

    "State laws play a crucial role in guiding judges and local officials in determining eligibility for pretrial release and the conditions thereof. Recent state legislation has increasingly focused on customizing the pretrial process, targeting specific defendants or offense categories. Between 2012 and 2014, 261 new laws across 47 states addressed various aspects of pretrial policy. This document offers an overview of these legislative developments, organized into sections covering pretrial legislation related to risk assessments, victim-specific procedures and conditions, pretrial services...

  • document cover for County Jails at a Crossroads: An Examination of the Jail Population and Pretrial Release

    County Jails at a Crossroads: An Examination of the Jail Population and Pretrial Release

    "This groundbreaking study delves into the participation of county jails in pretrial release, marking a pioneering effort in this field. It assesses the pretrial status and risk levels of county jail populations, uncovering variations across counties of differing sizes. Additionally, it examines the challenges faced by county jails concerning their pretrial and overall inmate populations. The research scrutinizes the utilization of community-based programs by county jails to release pretrial detainees and monitor them post-release. Furthermore, it explores other county policies...